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My name is Tristan. I'm 17, studying at City College, living in AngMoKio. I believe that Jesus loves me and that he died for me. I love are my family, naruto, naruto shippuuden and anything related to japan or japanese people or japanese food, and lastly,
I love my bby Sophia Lim Min Er!

You can add me on msn if you wanna get to know me, natsuhiboshi--@hotmail.com.



Are you sure you want to read about my past?

May 2010
June 2010
July 2010


Meet my friends.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

My father walked into a bank in new york and asks for the loan officer. He told the loan officer that he was going to China on business for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000.

The bank officer told him that the bank will need some form of security for the loan, so the Chinese man handed over the keys to a new Ferrari parked on the street in front of the bank. He produced the title and everything checked out.

The Loan officer agreed to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank's president and its officers all enjoyed a good laugh at my dad for using the $900,000 Ferrari as collateral against a $5,000 loan. An employee of the bank then drove the Ferrari into the bank's underground garage and parked it there.

Two weeks later, the father returned, repayed the $5,000 and the interest, which came to $15.41.The loan officer said, 'Sir, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multi-millionaire. What puzzles us is why you would bother to borrow $5,000?" My dad replied: 'Where else in new york can I park my car for two weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there safely when I return.'

Ok, bye!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

okay, i woke up like at 7pm. when i woke up, i could still remember my dream! wanna hear about it? yes? no? you don't have a choice really. lol.
anyway, this is how my dream went.

there was this hotel/condo thingy, fucking beautiful. like resort world sentosa like that. then everybody i know (including those that left my life, just stepped into my life, and those that are currently in my life.) is living inside together with me. it was great, untill a giant centipede attacked us.

(This is the picture of the giant centipede.)

then according to my memory, it was kuanleng who tried to stop it. he ran up to the centipede and tried to kill it. but he failed. then suddenly, all of us had digimons. and kuanleng's digimon was piyomon.
(piyomon is the 3rd from the top left. the cute pink bird)
(garudamon is the 2nd from the bottom left the standing bird-like thing)

then all of a sudden, it evolved into garudamon and killed the monster centipede. then, we suddenly got summoned to mount myoboku we (me, jason(xiaolong), kuanleng, royce, kazua & more (i cant remember clearly) ) where we were assigned by the chief toad to capture the evil bosses of file island. puppetmon, metal seadramon, machinedramon & the strongest of all piemon. then we all like scared scared. then jason suddenly dissapeared, followed by royce, then left me kuanleng & kazua, then the 3 of us went to hunt puppetmon, metal seadramon, and machinedramon respectively. means,
me - puppetmon
kuanleng - metalseadramon
kazua - machinedramon
(i assumed jason and royce went to fight piemon)
then after the fight, we returned. all victorious. and we each got a present containing a new digimon

then we all headed back to the hotel/condo place. upon reaching, we sat at the lobby like place and ate cup noodles while drinking martell+sprite. then all of a sudden. kazua suddenly said:" eh! where is royce & jason?!" then we panicked. then we saw a boomer & a hunter holding them. royce was being held hostage by the boomer while jason was being held hostage by the hunter. then kazua took out a penknife, then stab the boomer thus exploding it and all the boomber bile splash on us, while kuanleng & me throw cup noodle's on the hunter, then the soup kena the hunter's eyes, so he pounce wrongly, then i took the suigetsu beheader sword and stabbed it into him.
this is suigetsu's beheader sword

then kuanleng rasenshuriken him. then jason & royce were free & with us. then all of a sudden, we saw mirana nightshade (aka priestess of the mood/potm) then she ask all of us to sit on her tiger. then she brought us to downtime to play dota.

then i woke up.

well...to tell you the truth, this dream of mine, was 80% made up by me. 20% i really dreamt the part about the condo/hotel & kuanleng & the piyomon & the centipede. i actually woke up right after that.
HAHAHAHAHA. and i wrote this whole thing just cause i was bored, hope you enjoyed reading it.

Ok, bye!

Friday, June 18, 2010

i just reached home from prawning. 4 straight hours. caught like 40+ 50+ prawns. almost caught a monster giant prawn. but it jumped back in like last minute. we named it "lai" jeremy fan & laura will know why. then we went to bbq them. after eating 4-6 prawns. i felt like vomiting, because they're mostly not cooked properly. thanks to our master chef laura. then we left the place, laura took bus 88 home, while me & jeremy took bus 88 to amk to have lunch at sumo house. after eating, headed home. tired! just finished my bath. going to sleep now. its like 2.10pm in the afternoon, fuck my bodyclock. hahahaha. school's re-opening in 2 days. fuck this.

Ok, bye!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

i just reached home from visiting royce. with his dad & his younger sister & laura. was great to see him again. very happy. promised to bring him to universal studios after his discharge, his face fucking shag maximum. lol. anyway, 13 days more only! see you soon bro.

Ok, bye!

Girls always think boys are the ones who lie and fuck up relationships,
Example: "S(he) BE(lie)VE", "good boyfriends dont lie, cheat, hit, or hurt their girlfriends <3", "I'm The Girl. You're The Boy. You Text Me First Or We Don't Talk Today."
Fuck all of you who agree with this 3 phrases. Girls don't lie? Girls don't cheat? Girls don't hurt their boyfriend? & why should boys text girls 1st?! cant girls text boys 1st? In my opinion girls are getting more & more spoilt. girls think they should always be treated like queens just cause they're female.
Girls are human, boys are human, they should treat each other equally. Boys shouldn't always give in to girls just cause they will cry, just cause they are female.
A girlfriend should treat her boyfriend the same way he treats her instead of expecting him to always pamper her and always saying sorry to her and always making the 1st move or texting her or calling her. there should be occasions that she call him or text him 1st. i'm not trying to say it's ALWAYS her calling him 1st. but it shouldn't be one sided. like example, sometimes he call her 1st sometimes she call him 1st sometimes he text her 1st sometimes she text him 1st. that should be the way relationships work. and not always saying that boys lie, not always saying that boys cheat, not always forcing boys into a situation of always making the 1st move.

Ok, bye!

this post is for today, i'm awake, and i'm going out in like 10 minutes. meeting royce's dad & laura to go & visit royce. eating some seaweed. drinking some water.

Ok, bye!

this post is for yesterday, i was at hougang with colin, kuanleng, laura, laogao and alvin. 1st we met at 684 for food, then alvin went home & we went to hougang plaza, then from there we went to hougang plaza, played billlard, l4d2, while playing l4d2 2 monkeys came up from behind me and tried to attack me, (jerome & nova) then they left for serangoon garden lan shop. then we went off to colin's place, slacked for awhile. then went back out to eat. haha. while passing 682 the mac, we saw jurist, he was sitting with his gangster friends. then he joined us, and we ate delicious macaroni with fried fish. then we sat there till morning, then morning we went to visit royce, but sadly? i brought my froggy pouch, and inside the froggy pouch i had no cards or money, it was empty, so i had no ic, so i could not visit royce. (another reason was because they only allow 3 people) so me & kuanleng were stuck outside while his parents + laura went to visit him. after that, royce's father brought us to changi point to eat. then eat some chai tao kueh. then he drove us home.

woke up, shag, tired, went to eat with family at kovan, happy, full, tired, go home, sleep.

Ok, bye!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

okay, i just woke up not long ago, so anyway, yesterday i went to yukiyaki at marina square for lunch, with kuanleng, qixiang, colin and megan then after eating laura met us, and we went to cine, 1st thing reach there, but frolick. eat some yogurt, happy happy here and there. then met up with corrupt & larry, then we went to buy movie tickets, bought 7.15 karate kid. then we went to kpool to play billards till like 6.45. then went for a smoke. then was about time to go in already. left right when the movie was about to end. went home. then went back out to patricia's chalet. made afew new friends there. muthu & i & alastiar were drunk. hehe. i was talking about karate kid the whole time. haha. then i got sober. it was already 6 so we went to have breakfast. then i just slacked there till 9. then took 88 home. now going to meet kuanleng and alvinho and colin and laogao and laura and mango at 684 for dinner. byebye!

I'm serious about learning karate & braiding cornrows.

Ok, bye!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

spent the past 2 days doing absolutely nothing creative. fuck it. tomorrow finally going out. seoul garden & karate kid. woohooo!

Ok, bye!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

done with the 3 portraits! now time for the shading & colours. just got home from azzura. fuck the dj! 2 hours of house music. bored us to death! started out okay. then when the crazy foreign dj came along and spoiled everyone's moods with his house music, we all just sat on the plat form for like 2 hours doing nothing. boring. then when the real dj came back and started playing the music? the club had to fucking close due to. dunno what. lol. fights i think. fuck the fights too yeah. then we went to bathe. and sit outside the club for like 2 more hours. till 5. then we went and took a cab back to hometown, then had some food, and headed home! what a fucked up night.

Who do you think is always missing you?

Ok, bye!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I loved you.


Why did it have to end?

Why always like that?

What the fuck?

I don't need girls, seriously.

Life won't end without you.

Why am I freaking out over this?

You're nothing to me.


Ok, bye!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

yesterday was filled with joy & laughter, at the same time there was lots of tears & sorrow.

1 year 6 months 3 weeks till kazua's release.
21 more days to royce, nelson's release. i'll be there on the 30th. no worries.
Me & Viknesh (kazua)

To kazua: you always stand with me whenever i have problem, you never forget any one of us. you're always thinking about others and not yourself. yesterday night we had fun at kbox yeah? you bloody seh bai. sleeping at macdonalds at 8am in the morning.
for those of you who dont know this is kazua sleeping at the new macdonalds beside cine.
i love you bro. please take good care inside. i really wish to see you after 1 and a half years. dont go and fucking extend it by doing stupid shit inside. already starting to miss you saying "this is dj kazua and its a girlie affair tonight." haha. 10 minutes before your court still can talk cock sing song with me. visit you soon! take care. love you!

Me & Royce (ah hao)

To royce: see you soon in 3 weeks bro. we'll all take care of laura for you. dont worry. lovey lovey bro bro. after court me & laura went to comfort your father. dont worry. everything's under controll. you take care inside. i want to see you going to mcys soon! (: can go together. (: when come out already, changed man. no more fights, no more gangster just happy and fun life!

I'm already starting to miss the both of you...

Ok, bye!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i've just woken up. sorry i havent been blogging for the past 2 days. really busy with stuff. having a fucking soar throat now, and its fucking painful. havent really gone out. the day before yesterday was spent at bby's house. stayed there for the night till about 7pm. then went home. then slept till like 4pm yesterday. then i stayed at home till night time. then went to sleep again. till like midnight. then dota-ed with gene & jeremy & melvin all this. slept around 2.30am.

I know we have our differences,
but i really do love you.
It's just the way you keep treating me,
i'm not sure if i can take it much longer,
when you're in a good mood,
you're the best,
but when you're in a bad mood,
you tend to be very unreasonable.
That's not all,
you already know,
I hate you working at your pub,
and i feel very insecure while you're working there,
so each and every night you work there,
I try to stay awake till the time your work ends,
hoping to get a text from you,
hoping that you will call me,
but you have dissapointed me night after night.
I hope you understand how i feel,
try placing yourself in my shoes if you don't.
I love you bby.

Ok, bye!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I'm home bitches! yesterday claudia came over after her work, then left around 8.30 pm. so she spent like, 16 hours at my house. haha. then i sent her off to yishun, she went to meet her friend then she go work together with her friend, then i also went off to meet my friends, kuanleng, laura, royce, qi xiang, tessa, madeline and kianwee. we went to watch nightmare on elm street. waaaaa. fucking nicezxcxz. but alot of shocking parts. (N) but not so bad for me, but for someone, i dont wanna mention who, but SOMEONE (name starting with K ending with G) couldnt take the shocks, and was like jumping up and down on his seat, and his hand like spasm. HAHAHA. while someone else (name starting with T ending with A) was listening to my itouch the whole time, not even taking a single look at the movie. lol. after the movie we went down to downtime, saw ronghui yenhsi scam fuchen melvin there. they left around the time we entered. then we played l4d till around 8. then now i'm homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! its 9.16am, what a night.

next few movies : karate kid & the crazies & predators.

Ok, bye!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Actions speak louder than words. Prove to me that everything you say is true. Your mouth says i love you but your actions speak otherwise...am i being paranoid or what. alot of people tell me you're lying but i choose to believe you, alot of people tell me to stop what i'm doing but i choose to continue, alot of people tell me you're just playing with my feelings but i choose to trust you, only time will tell if i've made the right decision. i hope my decision to believe in you was right. prove your love.

Ok, bye!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

this sucks. i do not wish to blog about yesterday night.

Ok, bye!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

off to powerhouseeeeeeeee soooooooooooooooooooooooooon! woot woot! many many people will be there (Y) tonight's gonna be a good night.

just now woke up at 2.30pm then went to meet kuan leng around 3pm. then we played lan untill 6.30. then went to walk walk find lightstick for tonight. saw timmy, walk around and around, in the end decided not to buy, then went for a smoke outside and theresa & amelia came, then i left for home.

Ok, bye!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

i'm home again. okay, so yesterday night i went out with dexter, shamp, yijie and kaymus to le bar, drank. saw our 3 mummys. LOL. one 19, one 25, one 30+ okay, whatever. so then we drank and drank and drank untill yijie & shamp cannot take it. so we left and went for food. i ate cabonara speghetti. then we went to volcano, saw bebe & vanessa chee & afew more people there. played lan till like 7am. eyes heavy, body tired, throat dry, headache. then we left. and now, I'M HOME SWEEEEEEEET HOME! its like...8.15 so i'll be waking up around 5 or 6pm to blog again.
good night everybody! and thank you for reading! (L)(L)(L)(L)(L)

Ok, bye!